Right now as Purpose Driven business owners we understand the importance of using Livestream video content more than ever to grow our business - BUT
🆇 That you’re sharing the wrong things with your audience, focusing on picking “just the right” quote along with content that customers have no interest in - and hoping for engagement and sales.
🆇 You’re exhausted pushing and cranking out ANY content you can think of...
🆇 You’re not using ANY messaging strategy. What’s even worse, any clients you do call in with this strategy are the WRONG clients. The ones that crash contracts, push your boundaries, don’t pay their invoices on time, create legal tangles, issue chargebacks for completed work...
Posting in hope is NOT a strategy for putting cash in your bank account.
There is a MUCH easier way to magnetize and work with your soul clients, and it takes less than ten minutes a day...
Now, before you start squirming, and click away for good, hear me out for a second.
I’m going to show you exactly how you can make this work for you, in less than ten minutes a day, no matter what kind of business you have!
How Would Your Online Business Be Different If You Could:
Stop The Scroll Masterclass
How To Create Titles
That Connect And Engage
You'll get access to my livestream training on how to master the art of creating incredible livestream TITLES that STOP your soul clients from acrolling on by!
Sales Sprint
A 4 Week Training
Access to my signature 30 day live streams that sell training and my sprint system so you can plan out your livestreams for an entire MONTH in less than 15 minutes AND SELL YOUR OFFERINGS!
Plan out your livestreams that
sell for the week ahead in less
than 10 minutes using this fully customizable calendar. All you
need to do is plug and play!
Access my POWERFUL activation meditation to assess your soul Truth message and create livestreams that are trule magnetic. (This is the real secret to my livestream sales success!)
In this one-off training I'm going
to share how you can use your
PURPOSE as the fuel to allow
yourself to be seen, and
powerfully speak your Truth.
IMAGINE the sense of achievement of having done your livestream for the day by 10am, connecting with and impacting the lives of your soul clients.
People who really "get" what you do, understand your mission, and more importantly are destined to be impacted and experience incredible results with you.
Then after you've done your yoga and put your baby down for a nap, by 1pm your DM's are blowing up and you've got comments from incredible followers ready to buy and support your purpose-driven business.
How would life feel if you were able to move through your day, with a deep sense of connection to your purpose knowing that you were impacting the trajectory of someone's day and life by just showing up and speaking your truth?
✓ I don't teach this, this is my life's work. The Purposeful Livestream Toolkit isn't some repackaged, regurgitated training from a "marketing guru". You won't find this training anywhere else. This is my unique, copyrighted methodology that I developed in 2017 after I had my first baby that helped me close $159,000 in 7 months working ONLY in naptime!
✓ I'm not JUST an energetic business and communication coach...I'm also a Channel, medium, psychic, writer, and poet. I've also worked as a freelance journalist, copywriter, and fashion stylist. In my private 1:1 coaching, I work with award-winning, internationally recognized celebrities and leaders in the world of PR, Coaching, Fashion, Lifestyle, and Health and Wellness.
✓ I help business owners and companies make LOADS of money. I work my energetic, communication magic across all disciplines and markets, from the coaching industry to confectionary and everything in between.
✓ I know how to communicate, powerfully. I am Irish after all. They don't call it "the gift of the gab" for nothing. I have poetry in my veins and conversion communication at my fingertips.
✓ I'm also a mother to two toddlers, a pug, and a wife to a musician and designer. We love to travel the world (we've lived in 27 homes in 8 years!!) and we are devoted to family, nature, simplicity, and the unending possibility of creativity. We live in the Pacific Northwest, in our dream home with a view of the Olympic Mountains, Puget Sound, and great eagles that watch over us. I'm living proof that you absolutely can have everything you desire!
Hi, I'm Emma!
I’m the founder and CEO of Emma Tynan International, The Channel Society™ where I teach women how to activate their spiritual gifts, and The Big Impact Academy ™ which is a professional development program for expert women leaders to become globally recognised in their field and get booked out.
I’m here to help you become a luminary, to uncover your power, and claim your legacy through owning the power of your voice. Through my work as a business coach, channel, and speaker I've helped hundreds of entrepreneurs, visionaries, healers, and coaches. I've helped them get their businesses in the spotlight, raise their rates, and own their unique gifts as a way to create a global impact.
Through my lifelong study of spirituality, energetic healing and over ten years working with global brands, celebrity clients, and small businesses I've discovered that the key to creating a real impact and business growth is by combining my energetic communication and visibility strategies with deep healing work.
My work has landed coverage in media outlets around the world, including The Daily Mail, Natural Heath, The Huffington Post, Red Magazine, and The Guardian.
"Working with Emma is a gift. Through her blend of energetic connection, skill, and gentle but firm approach, she has changed mine. Her support helped me to unleash my own power and move beyond some of the limiting ideas around abundance and creativity which through live circumstances, had begun to hold me back from the deep service I'm here to provide."
MBE Bestselling Hay House Author, Founder of JHPR
The Purposeful Livestream
Toolkit Is For You If...
You run a purpose-driven business and you're finally ready to stop hiding and powerfully impact thousands of people's lives.
You're DONE making excuses for why you can't go live NOW and always putting it off to next week or month!
You're sick and tired of being your client's "best-kept secret" and seeing others do livestreams and have the impact you know you're here to make.
If you want to make your marketing much more engaging and you're ready for your comments and DM's to blow up!!
You want to make this all so much easier and less complicated.
You're ready to finally show the world who you really are and stop hiding behind pretty pictures and stock images.
I'm a small business owner just like you. I understand the risk you feel when deciding to invest in a digital product. You work hard for money and don't want to waste it on something that should have been a blog post.
I'm extremely proud of the products I create and I know anyone who buys them and implements the strategy will be thrilled with their purchase.
That's why I'm offering a 7-day money-back guarantee. While I can't guarantee that this toolkit will quadruple your social media engagement, followers, or dollar bills. I can guarantee your satisfaction with the quality of the titles and trainings and the time and stress it will save you.
Of course, if you're not happy with the toolkit, I will refund your money within 7 days of your purchase.